Friday, May 8, 2009

2009 MotoGP Jerez Spain: The Doctor First Victory in 2009

Valentino Rossi First VictoryValentino Rossi beat host of Dani Pedrosa at the Jerez circuit on the MotoGP Spain, Sunday (2009/May/03). "The Doctor" also get its first victory in this season. Starting the race from fourth position, Rossi break Pedrosa hope to ascend the top podium in front of the supporting. Vale continued to lead from the start until mid-race, Pedrosa down position should start lap 17.

Since Rossi is unbearable and finish number one, and get the first victory in this season. In two previous series of Fiat Yamaha Team is only a runner up in Qatar and Japan. Meanwhile, Pedrosa, champion season in Jerez, must be satisfied in second place, followed by Casey Stoner in the ranking of three. In the meantime, Rossi grab top position from Jorge Lorenzo with 65 points. Lorenzo failed to complete their own race because of drop in the four-lap final.

With 123,340 spectators, Pedrosa and Stoner smoothly in its start. They take the pole position of the position held Lorenzo, at the first bend, when the race started. Rossi stalk in fourth place, followed by Randy de Puniet and Colin Edwards. This position does not change much until the first lap is completed. On the second lap Rossi successfully defeated Lorenzo is a fellow partner in the Fiat Yamaha Team, to take a three-position front. Not long after he, Stoner, Pedrosa and start the competition involved tight, in the forefront of the group.

Behind them is quite exciting race going on between De Puniet, Loris Capirossi and Edwards. Rossi continues to chase after the fifth lap Stoner able to pass. But it's not long, because the track straight towards a junction Stoner to counterattack to take place earlier. Duel Rossi and Stoner continue to occur, and in the sixth lap Rossi wins again. Behind them, Honda rider, Andrea Dovizioso make mistakes, fall to the sand track. Extent to the ongoing ordinary course race. Stoner on lap 14 Rossi started from behind, while the champion survived the wild hunt Pedrosa. The distance between them shall continue to move up, from one second to be more or less a second.

Jorge Lorenzo Bad LuckFrom lap 16 Pedrosa is in great pressure because Honda is so close to the Yamaha by Rossi. And the pressure that he can not afford a levee when the next lap, before a curve, Rossi Pedrosa took over the position from the right, and position are also changed. Rossi leads. Lap for the next lap, Pedrosa does not appear more competitive than Rossi. From there, victory for the show rider in Italy. Unlike the Rossi, Lorenzo unhappy experience. Go unopposed, he too sloping curve while in the curve. When tire grip disappears, that is one of Spain's motorcycle slip and drag it to Gravel.

Lorenzo able to rise up and assisted some of the climb back to his motorcycle. However, luck has not gone, because then he must go to the cockpit and failed to complete the race. He was annoyed and hit his front fairing. Anticlimax Lorenzo made the podium is always increased in the first two series: the number three in Qatar, the number one in Japan. De Puniet gain from the failure of Lorenzo and finish in fourth place, ahead of Marco Melandri and Edwards.

MotoGP Spain 2009 Results:
1. Valentino Rossi......... Yamaha......... 45 minutes 18.557 seconds
2. Dani Pedrosa......... Honda......... + 2.700
3. Casey Stoner......... Ducati......... + 10.507
4. Randy de Puniet......... Honda......... + 31.893
5. Marco Melandri......... Kawasaki......... + 33.128
6. Colin Edwards......... Yamaha......... + 34.128
7. Loris Capirossi......... Suzuki......... + 34.421
8. Andrea Dovizioso......... Honda......... + 34.625
9. Toni Elias......... Honda......... + 42.689
10. Chris Vermeulen......... Suzuki......... + 45.183
11. Sete Gibernau......... Ducati......... + 48.192
12. Yuki Takahashi......... Honda......... + 51.875
13. James Toseland......... Yamaha......... + 53.683
14. Alex de Angelis......... Honda......... + 53.941
15. Nicky Hayden......... Ducati......... +1 minutes 01.237
16. Niccolo Canepa......... Ducati......... +1 minutes 10.896

Jorge Lorenzo......... Yamaha......... 23 lap
Mika Kallio......... Ducati......... lap 12

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New Old Home

MotoGP World Championship Results

MotoGP Results
Pos. Rider Nation Team Points
1. Casey STONER........................ AUS................. Ducati Marlboro Team.......................... 90
2. Jorge LORENZO....................... SPA................. Fiat Yamaha Team............................... 86
3. Valentino ROSSI...................... ITA.................. Fiat Yamaha Team............................... 81
4. Dani PEDROSA...................... SPA................. Repsol Honda Team............................... 57
5. Andrea DOVIZIOSO................ ITA.................. Repsol Honda Team............................... 56
6. Marco MELANDRI................... ITA.................. Hayate Racing Team............................ 48
7. Colin EDWARDS..................... USA................. Monster Yamaha Tech 3....................... 45
8. Loris CAPIROSSI...................... ITA................. Rizla Suzuki MotoGP............................. 38
9. Chris VERMEULEN................. AUS................. Rizla Suzuki MotoGP............................. 37
10. Randy DE PUNIET.................. FRA................. LCR Honda MotoGP............................... 34
11. JAMES TOSELAND................. GBR................. Monster Yamaha Tech 3....................... 26
12. Toni ELIAS............................. SPA................. San Carlo Honda Gresini....................... 23
13. Alex DE ANGELIS................... RSM................. San Carlo Honda Gresini....................... 21
14. Mika KALLIO.......................... FIN.................. Pramac Racing.................................... 19
15. Nicky HAYDEN...................... USA................. Ducati Marlboro Team.......................... 13
16. Niccolo CANEPA..................... ITA.................. Pramac Racing.................................... 10
17. Sete GIBERNAU...................... SPA................. Grupo Francisco Hernando.................... 8
18. Yuki TAKAHASHI.................... JPN................. Scot Racing Team MotoGP.................... 8